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I picked myself to see what would happen

oh man!!!!!!!!!!! i knew it!!!!! still shocked me haha. good one


Cool Game but did you know i found a leaked verison on halo 7 Leaked Build of Halo 7 by The baksheesh bandit (

I picked randomly you and won


who's the murderer

i see the game now

wheres the game






i chose the susan on my 3rd one and i was suprised

I framed wilbert, was like "if its not him its milda!" framed her, then framed the other 3, realized i couldnt interrogate anymore and was like "WHY ISNT THE GAME OVER?"


The killer is s... 




Honestly, while the ending is cool, I think it would have been cool if you could play a mode as an actual detective.

It has a good concept, but I think the ending should've been better, the fact that everyone was a suspect is good, but the ending was so blank, it had no real "satisfaction" of discovering who was the suspect, and honestly, it was very boring

accurate, accurate.

dam bro this game is actually longer than any other game

Broo. this is dark


or maybe there is gonna be no video 

yea :(

didnt expect the ending

I really like the game and the ending(not spoiling it). Love all the work that was put in this project, big W!


I didn't watch the video,  and I GUESSED the killer!

he hasn't even uploaded the video yet


i just kinda assumed, cuz, you know?


Oh ok

isnt it the kiddo

Never Imagine


never could of imagined


of course it was the wife lol


Way to spoil the game.

wilbert was kinda sussy

damn, had me in tears


i killed myself for fun

i dont know what to say

incredible game, loved that ending, what a twist! Also, can we just talk about the music? The music in this game is just incredible...


great game but it was kinda easy to guess the murder


Great game like always!


Hey, hey, new video coming soon.....

poly where new vid

Deleted 2 years ago

He prob making it

Good game but here's so criticism.

.Should be longer

.It should say ''your wrong" when you get it wrong

.And think the murder should be randomised.

But it is a game jam game so I understand why is so short (but please update the game to its full capability).

it wouldent really fit if the murderer was randomized becuase YOU are the murderer

Dont Spoil!!

lol I got it right first try. I guess I've watched too many detective shows XD


(1 edit) (+1)

I loved this   game  kind of hard


Wow, nice game! That twist was surprising.

That twist, though!  I saw it coming and I just didn't want it to be true.  Well played.


Loved playing through this. The only critique I could find was that it's easy to just guess. Maybe implement a mechanic where you need to assemble evidence throughout interrogations before making your guess? It really was a delight to play.

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