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no more frog, no more happy.




Fix your game or I steal the assets for a scratch clone.

do it


i 'll play your scratch clon

It has broken plz fix it

The game is broken,i think that someone removed the png that is called in the game which broke it

The game broke :(

Yeah there is only a blue screen  :

I think your game broke. It is saying "Action is not defined" now.


I loved the game , is there a downloadable version ,  were did you get this music , and are you going to make a video  about this

Kaboom is browser only :( but maybe someone could make it an electron app



Did you upload a video for this

cause I really looking forward for it

Fun, but the charing is slow, and I get in impossible situations alot, where a person is right above me. :(

It's a little tricky, but you can actually get through since you move slower than them while charging!

Oooohhhh ok :D

This is a fun game, but I feel that charging up power is way to slow.  But it's really fun anyways. Well done!


Gonna be the one to call it, because it can’t be that hard to guess.

FuTURe ViDeO???

Floor 40

(1 edit) (+2)

no more frog :(

(1 edit)

UwU OwO OvO O-O -_-

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