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Murphys in the walk of it everybody knows

they know him where it walks he walked in and they walked


pocketmars? P O C K E T M A R S ? !

it's Polymars old name


Not gonna lie the soundtrack (Music)  is pretty banger!

Murphy’s Law.

We passed 19ft :D

For some reason on my controller the joystick is inverted and the menu button switches the characters...

This would've fit perfectly for the gmtk game jam 2021 :D


I think that the walking acceleration is a little too quick


Awesome! I’m subscribed to ur YT, awesome stuff! :)

should of been WASD and Arrow Keys tbh

You can use WASD and Arrow keys


Played with a friend with a keyboard. After several tries we only got about 9ft I think. It was very difficult to control the characters is really the biggest problem we were having. That combined with the speed the map moves by gave us little time to adjust and learn. I think either a slowly speeding up level or tighter controls would help a lot. We also missed the bit about the leash also causing us to die, so that added a little extra trouble.

I did later on try alone with a controller and the controls worked a lot better. Still could only get to about 14ft.

Outside of that, it is a fun concept. Nice music and fun art. The basic idea has some interesting promise for a simple mini game. Good job.